Course Terms and Conditions
Deposits & Payments:
50% deposit required at time of booking
Weekend and Public Holiday Surcharge: $300.00 per day
Invoices must be paid in full on the day of training, unless by prior arrangement
Please refer to the Trainee Handbook for full details on Deposits & Payments
Forklift Trainee Activity Book must be completed prior to commencement of the course, if it is not the your course position and course fee will be forfeited.
Medical Cancellation:
In the event where a medical condition prevents attendance before or during training, a medical certificate and Doctors clinic receipt or Medicare receipt will be required to allow the trainee to re-book into a future course. Failure to provide a medical certificate and receipt will forfeit 100% of course fees.
If a trainee misinforms Integral Training Pty. Ltd. of their medical status the course will be cancelled and the trainee will forfeit 100% of all course fees.
Cancellation/Re-booking Policy
$150 non-refundable Administration fee
No refund once training or assessment has been commenced
No Refund if cancellation notice is within 3 business days
50% Refund when cancellation is within 3-5 business days minus Administration fee
100% Refund when notification is over 5 business days minus Administration fee
Course is for a set period of time, and does not guarantee a licence
Extra training and/or assessments may be required which will incur additional fees
Note: Refunds may take up to 14 business days to be applied
Please refer to the Trainee Handbook for full details on the Cancellation/Re-booking Policy
Identification Requirements:
Primary Proof of Identity: Applies to all Applicants
A current:
Australian driver licence
Australian passport
Overseas passport
Police Force Officer or Defence Force photo identity card
A birth certificate issued by the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages or equivalent if issued elsewhere
An Australian Naturalisation or citizenship document
Secondary Proof of Identity: Applies to all Applicants
A current:
Australian driver licence
Australian Defence Force licence
Medicare card, Pensioner Concession card, Dept. of Veteran’s Affairs card, Health care/Concession card, Bank debit/credit card issued by bank, building society or credit union
A passbook or account statement up to one year old
A telephone, gas or electricity bill up to one year old